Monday, May 23, 2011

Little hiker solution: disc golf

In a recent post, I lamented that Scarlett was getting to the age where she wanted to be out and we still had a mile and a half from the car.  I'm experimenting with a few solutions, and we came across one purely by accident: disc golf.  Yes, that random version of golf for hippies and granolas.  Perfect, perfect for toddlers.  Sunday is family day, we relax and enjoy our family unit of 3.  Sometimes other family joins us, my brother and his fiance, close friends or Wes' sister and her boyfriend.  Yesterday was such a day.

Kayloe and Molly joined us for a game of disc at Milo McIver State Park.  The 18-hole course is long and pretty flat.  It's busy, but not crowded and the holes are long and straight.  Red was just asleep when we arrived, so we put her in the stroller, and of course she promptly woke up.  But that meant that we had the stroller, sounds annoying I know but it wasn't actually, and she could walk when she wanted and ride when she needed to.

She mostly walked.  Luckily, disc golf can be a leisurely game, so walking with a toddler only makes it a little more leisurely.  The bonus is that she was also pretty entertained by the game, so sometimes she would walk up and put a disc she'd been carrying in the baskets and liked to see the discs ring the chains.  What a great way to spend the day with family, be outside with a toddler on-the-move and relax.  I highly recommend this.

Friday, May 13, 2011

How To Find Other Outdoorsy Families

Lately I've been a little hungry to share our life and love of the outdoors with other like-minded families.  Don't get me wrong, Red and I go on many playdates and we know lots of babies her age and both younger and older.  I just think it would be nice to have a few that also were regular hike pals too.  How killer would it be to have playmates from a very small age that 1) can keep up with you on a trail, 2) understand how to explore and care for nature and hold that as a priority and a dear responsibility and 3) are down to go and explore at the drop of a hat.  Camping is fun, but it would be really fun if it was communing with nature AND community.  Right?! Right.

Before becoming a mom, finding like-minded outdoorsy folks was easy, so why is finding the folks who have become parents so much harder?!  Part of it is that a lot of those folks simply haven't become parents, part of it is that if they are parents, their kids are older, part of it is that parenting is hard and getting out is a little daunting. I make it a point to say hello to anyone on the trail with their children, but I'll be honest, it just doesn't happen all that often.  To the credit of others, we also aren't on close-in trails on the weekends much.

As a parent in the information age, I've gleaned a lot of information from parent blogs, outdoor companies and the like.  I thought rather than a bunch of stories of our weekly hikes, I'd dedicate this post to connecting with folks.  Here are links to sites and blogs that I find worthwhile when it comes to getting out there with babes in tow.  Do you have a favorite not on this list?  Leave a link in a comment!  Thanks for visiting!

Outdoor Baby Network: a recently (12/09/10) launched social networking site for outdoorsy families.  Join and come be my "friend!"
Mountain Mama Maternity Wear: technical outdoors apparel for mommas and mommas-in-waiting.  Also nice about this one is that if you become a Facebook Fan, they tend to post a lot of great information and links.
Adventure Parents: a great resource.  The website has a blog, photos, inspiring stories about adventurous families, recipes, tips & advice.  Lots to peruse.
Blog: Climb With Kids: a great blog that has a nice collection of useful posts, geared toward climbing, but also has gear reviews, and covers family topics such as biking, camping, risk taking, bugs, first aid, etc.
Exodus Family Expeditions: So this family is going on a Road Trip RIGHT NOW, covering every state in a year and summiting highest peaks in each one.  Want a little inspiration to get out there, here you go.  There are other family blogs about long trips, but since this one is currently happening, it's a nice one to follow!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Oh what a week!

5 days, 3 hikes with a kiddo and a run without.  Now that is heaven.  Right?  I think so.  Red may be getting to the age that she doesn't agree.  Not to get me wrong, I have a very even tempered, easy going kiddo, but on our Wednesday hike in Forest Park, she very clearly said "want to get out" about a mile and a half from the car.  I'm curious what other outdoorsy parents did or do to stay out a little longer.  Does a parent simply have to accept that trails will be a lot shorter in distance and a lot longer in duration? Or is there a way to meet in the middle?  I don't have the answer, so if you do, leave a comment on the post!  I'll keep you posted about what we find out for our kiddo.  I'm told it is just something that we have to go and work through, and as we do, I'll be happy to post 3 attempts at taking one picture and continue to remind myself that we are raising an independant free thinker, and one that loves nature... right?

This is the end of the hike that represents half of the Forest Park Conservancy's All Trails Challenge; 40 miles of Forest Park, complete.  30 of them with Red.  Man, I love this girl!